Monthly Archives: March 2020

How to Create the Ultimate Property Advert

Your advert is the “shop window” for your property, and you need to make sure you’re promoting it to it’s maximum potential.

It’s important to get your advert right from the start. The leading property sites email their subscribers as soon as the advert goes live, meaning that you target market receive the property details immediately. This is when you’ll receive the highest peak of enquiries before things settle to normal levels.

When compiling your advert, consider how tenants search the property sites. The property websites are laid out in order of importance; price and location are critical, closely followed by photos, floorplan then features. If those keys details don’t interest the tenant they will move on to another property. If the tenant is interested, they will then usually skim read the description and make an enquiry.

Get your price right

Correct pricing is absolutely key. It is the primary search criteria for tenants, along with the location and number of bedrooms. Read our guide on how to calculate the right asking price, and why not try our online valuation tool?

Take good photographs

…and if you’re no David Bailey, pay someone else to take them for you! Research tells us that the first thing a tenant does is flick through the photos. This is your opportunity to show people why they need to view your property, and dark or blurred pictures simply won’t do it. Read our guide on how to photograph your property. Floorplans are more important that most people think too. They help a tenant visualise the layout and size of your property. We offer professional photography and floorplan service or alternatively, a cost effective Photo Enhancement option using the images you have provided, and floorplanning service based on the sketch you provide to us.

List your key features

This is your opportunity to really “sell” your property.

The key features enable a tenant to see if the property covers their wish-list at a glance. You need to make sure you cover the basics, but also promote anything that makes your property special or unique and is going to appeal to your target market. eg, allocated parking, a south facing garden, walking distance to “something” (station, town centre, school etc).

Make sure the feature you’re mentioning is actually a feature worth mentioning. eg, having a communal entrance isn’t a selling feature, where a private entrance might be. Try to keep your features to less than 4 words each and avoid merging features together (i.e. Close to schools, shops and train station); keep them separate for clarity. You can read more in our How to Write a Property Description Guide.

Describe your property in just the right amount of detail

You don’t need to describe the property in infinite detail. Around 3-5 paragraphs is usually sufficient, starting with a summary of the property and key features, leading to property-specific details, and finishing with information about the area. You can read more in our How to Write a Property Description Guide.

Your opening paragraph needs to catch the readers attention, and encourage them to read on. In general, a summary of the property and it’s key features works best.

Keep your target tenant in mind at all times and include anything you feel your property can offer them. If there is anything unique that your property can offer over and above any other, make sure it’s mentioned! Remember that a potential tenant may view a number of rental properties online, before shortlisting for physical viewings so you need to ensure yours makes the shortlist.

Measurements, although not entirely necessary for a rental property, can be a good way to promote a particularly spacious room, and make sure you mention whether the bedrooms are doubles or singles.


For more help with creating your ultimate listing, please contact us on 03300 883973 or email


COVID-19: Managed Landlord Advice

* Update 13th May 2021 – England Only * This page is specifically for landlords under our managed service and should be read in conjuction with our General Landlord Advice page. Guidance comes through from the Government on a regular basis and we’ll be keeping these pages updated as often as we can. All our staff… Continue Reading

COVID-19: Managed Tenant Advice

* Update 13th May 2021 – England Only * This page is specifically for our managed tenants and should be read in conjunction with our General Tenant Advice page. Guidance comes through from the Government on a regular basis and we’ll be keeping these pages updated as often as we can. With the “stay at home” order… Continue Reading

COVID-19: General Tenant Advice

* Update 13th May 2021 – England Only * We urge you to follow the advice being given by Government and the NHS. You can read the current advice from the NHS here. Viewings According to the latest Government guidance, landlords can continue to market their property for let, and viewings can continue to take… Continue Reading

COVID-19: General Landlord Advice

* Update 13th May 2021 – England Only * The government have released a detailed document with regards to moving home during the lockdown. You can find the government guidance for landlords and agents here, it was last updated on 12th April 2021. ******************* Using information from a number of sources including Government and trade bodies,… Continue Reading